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Module Code - Title:


Year Last Offered:


Hours Per Week:













Grading Type:


Prerequisite Modules:

Rationale and Purpose of the Module:

This module is intended to guide students through the early stages of work on their Final Year Project (FYP) and to introduce them to the value of research-based learning. It consists of a blend of general instruction in choosing a topic, research design, and project management, skills-based sessions on working with documents and tools to assist with research; and tailored, discipline-specific workshops delivered by staff from various departments. The module offers students the chance to demonstrate originality in identifying a research question and support in initiating research, the result of which forms a major part of the final grade for many students. Students will be supported with additional resources, made available through the FYP website.


Research Design; Working with Sources; Archival Research and Bibliography; Citation Systems; Time Management; Working with Long Documents; Communication; Ethics

Learning Outcomes:

Cognitive (Knowledge, Understanding, Application, Analysis, Evaluation, Synthesis)

On completion of this module, students will be able to: * develop an understanding of the value of research-based and autonomous learning; * Evaluate the critical readings of scholars in their discipline in light of theoretical frameworks; * Develop skills in acquiring, managing and critically analysing information; * Develop skills in organisation, collation, and effective communication; * Significantly progress abilities in research design and the refinement of a research question; * Construct a logical argument and advance argumentation skills; * Refine their transferable skills around use of technology to assist in research, project management and organisation; * Share research findings with peers in verbal, visual and written forms. * Learn about appropriate and proper presentation of research.

Affective (Attitudes and Values)

On completion of this modules, students will be able to: * develop an understanding of responsibility and ethics in research. * develop an Understand different types of research methods (quantitative, qualitative, etc.) * Engage intellectually and socially with peers and faculty.

Psychomotor (Physical Skills)

not applicable.

How the Module will be Taught and what will be the Learning Experiences of the Students:

The module will be taught by a combination of faculty-led lectures and semi-structured peer-learning sessions, during which participants will consider how a research proposal is prepared, including (where applicable) a literature review, and discuss their research plans in small groups.

Research Findings Incorporated in to the Syllabus (If Relevant):

Prime Texts:

Blaxter, Lorraine et al. (2001) How to Research , Milton Keynes: Open University Press
Ebest, S.B., Alred, G., Brusaw, C.T. and Oliu, W.E. (2005) Writing from A to Z: The Easy-to-use Reference Handbook 5th edn , McGraw-Hill
(2016) MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 8th ed. , The Modern Language Association of America
Sharp, John A. (2002) The Management of a Student Research Project, 3rd edn , Aldershot: Gower

Other Relevant Texts:

Bell, Judith (2005) Doing your Research Project: A Guide for First Time Researchers in Education and Social Science. 4th edn. , Maidenhead: Open University Press
Cohen, L., L. Manion and K. Morrison (2000) Research Methods in Education, 5th edn , Routledge
Larsen-Freeman, D. and M. Long (1991) An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research , Longman
Leedy, P.D. and J.E. Ormond (2005) Practical Research: Planning and Design, 8th edn , Pearson Education
Nunan, D. (1992) Research Methods in Language Teaching , Cambridge University Press
Perry, F. Jr (2004) Research in Applied Linguistics , Routledge
McGuigan, J. (1997) Cultural Methodologies , Sage
Wallace, M. (1998) Action Research for Language Teachers , Cambridge University Press
Wray, T., K. Trott. and A. Bloomer (1998) Projects in Linguistics: A Practical Guide to Researching Language , Arnold
Oshima, A. and A. Hogue (2006) Writing Academic English 4th edn , . Pearson Education
Ballenger, B. (2001) The Curious Researcher: A Guide to Writing Research Papers , Allyn and Bacon

Programme(s) in which this Module is Offered:


Semester - Year to be First Offered:

Module Leader: